In the bloginning…
the artist and the apple - both homegrown
Apologies for the title – couldn’t resist it, anyhow it probably acts as a warning – ‘toe curling cheesy content ahead’! Welcome to my very first post on my very first blog. The reality at this point is that ‘you’ are probably one of a very small minority, possibly just you in fact, which in a way makes this ‘blogging business’ a little more intimate and less intimidating. I contemplated getting ‘blogging’ tips, terms, to-dos and definitely not to-dos, however because that would definitely screw up my brain I decided ‘to hell with it’ I’ll just go for it. I’ve no mission to save the world – not at this stage anyway and as I’m not extreme politically, morally, or any other type of ‘ally’ I don’t have anything too serious to impart.
I suppose the reason we’re having this one sided conversation results from external pressure from enthusiastic supporters of my ‘art’ who strongly advised that I needed to ‘up the ante’ and raise my profile by facebooking, blogging and tweeting (think I’ll skip the tweeting)….so here we are!
Apologies in advance for typos, dodgy grammer and the occasional lack of concentration. I’ll blame the combination of a Christian Brother education (perhaps more on that later) and the aging process (accelerated by a fondness for a glass of wine or two!). I’d also like to acknowledge my assistant ‘auto spellcheck’ for its ongoing support, it’s incredible how spellcheck still ‘gives a damn’ I’m constantly waiting for a message to appear saying “How many times do I have to spell this?“. That coupled with a retarded three finger typing technique makes blogging less than fluid.
I also suppose in this litigious era I should also warn of occasional ‘nudity’ – no need for excited anticipation though, I’m an artist not a sex fiend…well most of the time! I’m also prone to the occasional outburst of profanity. Does that mean that if you are under 18 you should go away…? Probably.
I decided on Februrary the 1st an my inaugural blog for two reasons – I’ll be 56 on the 13th (that statement feels surreal – tempus fugit!) a good time for something new to do, but more importantly Sinéad O’Connor’s new album ‘How about I be me (and you be you?)‘ is being released at the end of the month. As well as the fact that it’s great that this long awaited album is about to be launched, more importantly (for me) it’s going to propel me into fame and fortune – oh ye of little faith!! My claim to fame, or more accurately, my claim to Ms. O’Connor’s album is the fact that my painting ‘upon small shoulders‘ is featured on the album cover.
As I’m sitting here in my studio doing my three finger typing I’ve got a warm, nervous churning in my stomach, and a self-satisfied, almost smug ‘well aren’t I the dogs bollix?’ grin on my face…reminiscent of my ‘expectant father’ days….nervous but nice…Sinéad’s album, my art…can’t wait!
That’s enough for day 1 – my canvas is calling!
Sinéad O'Connors latest album.