I painted this emotive image as result of the recent tragic abduction of yet another innocent victim whose cries were unheard. I rendered it using pastel overlaying poem ‘God made little girls’ representing our misguided and fanciful perception that our children are safe from the living monsters that prowl on their innocence – the terrified child represents the tragic reality.
Spare a thought or a prayer for the all the missing children and their distraught families.
(The reference I used was from an anonymous photograph I found on the internet)
The last dog I painted was a cocker spaniel ‘Kerry’ about 40 years ago, which is still hanging in my brother Barry’s house. As painting became an occasional pastime for the following 35 years I never thought of having another stab at ‘canine portraiture’.
However having painted humans at all ages I decided to have a bit of fun with my pastels and paint one of my dogs (there could be some canine commissions out there?). Zeus is my lovable, loyal (he loves me to bits) and beautiful boxer. He’s getting on a bit in dog years and getting a bit grey around the edges but he still has a great figure – unlike his master!